:::: MENU ::::


JAXB2 Maven Plugin is the plugin that JAXB uses to create Java Beans from XSD schemas.

Generate a new Maven project

In Eclipse, we create a new Maven project.

Dependency inclusion

We add to the pom.xml this dependency:


We save it and do a Maven Update Project.

Execution configuration

Now, we create an execution type, a “xjc” one (in order to generate beans from schemas). In JAXB there are more execution types as, i.e., to create schemas from Java Beans.


After, we create a configuration (in this case it will be common to every execution). Here we specify where we will take the schemas and in what package we will create the beans.


In this case it is possible that an error will appear on the pom.xml file “null (org.codehaus.mojo:jaxb2-maven-plugin:2.2:xjc:xjc:generate-sources)”. The solution is to execute the plugin, as we will see now.

Plugin execution

To do this, we will right clic on the project and then “Run as…/Maven generate-sources”.

Success review

Java Beans will be in the specified folder at the pom.xml file (in this case, target/generated-sources/jaxb).

This example code is available at https://github.com/luisgomezcaballero/JAXB2-Maven-Plugin.

So, what do you think ?